How To Use Positive Affirmations

A beginner's guide to beginning and ending your day with positivity


Hello, Explorers!

I wanted to share a habit that has helped me to become a person with more patience, joy, compassion, and motivation. The daily practice of reciting positive affirmations has improved my energy, optimism, and helps in my self-healing. Happiness is a choice, although not always an easy one, you have full control over how you want to feel and act throughout your day. If you are feeling lacking, stagnant, or want to refresh your lifestyle then I recommend the post, 10 Ways To Renew Your Life For The New Year, for some fresh new ideas!

During the hard times when you feel empty and broken, it is hard to lift your spirits. We can’t always rely on others to always be there for us when we need them, especially when it is on a day-to-day basis. The best we can do is dig deep within ourselves and find a way to nourish our mind, body, and soul. This can be achieved through self-care and positive affirmations. For more on self-care read my post, How To Practice Self-Care, discover the importance of taking care of yourself from the inside out! If you would like to know how to use  positive affirmations and their benefits then let's begin!


Top Benefits Of Daily Affirmations

  • It helps you ruminate and become in tune with your creative side.

  • Daily affirmations can help you change bad habits.

  • It leads to self-acceptance and compassion for others.

  • Affirmations make you more aware of your consciousness and thought process. This also enhances your self-knowledge, making you better at knowing what you really want in life.

  • Positive affirmations reconnect you with feelings of gratitude and enhance your perspective on the abundance of life.

  • Positive affirmations can boost your happiness, as well as your vibrational frequency.

  • Affirmations can help you perform better under pressure. 

  • Daily affirmations help you vibrate in alignment abundance, rather than lack. This can help you manifest your dream life.


How To Use Positive Affirmations

  • Remove yourself from all distractions

  • Take three deep breaths, inhale and exhale to a slow count of 5 seconds.

  • Close your eyes. (Optional) Stand in front of a mirror and look yourself in the eyes. Smile, if it feels natural or if you are focusing on happiness.

  • Say your affirmation (or list of positive affirmations) slowly and clearly.

  • Repeat your affirmations 3-5 times, really focusing on the meaning of each word and focusing on what you need for that day.

  • Take another three deep breaths, allow your body to absorb the positive feeling of the affirmations and visualize your intent.

P.S. Designate an amount of time to put your affirmations into practice!


Self-Care Affirmations

Here are some affirmations that revolve around your inner happiness, emotional health, and energy. Try to pick one or a few to recite out loud to yourself in front of the mirror or while meditating and praying. Make a habit of reciting these positive affirmations so you can practice prioritizing yourself.

  • I am thankful for another day

  • I am happy about who I am and how far I've come

  • I am blessed with the basic necessities to live

  • I am finding my own happiness

  • I have everything I need to create happiness within

  • I am blessed with the love of people who choose to be with me

  • I am prioritizing my mental and physical health when I need to

  • I am worthy of love and respect

  • I will be productive and energetic

  • Happiness is a choice and I base my happiness on the blessings I have been given instead of what I am lacking

  • I am grateful for another chance to live my life

  • I am happy about the opportunities I have been given in life

  • I will not let discontentment be the root of envy towards others

  • Today is a gift and I am blessed to be here

  • Whatever happens today, tomorrow is a new day and I am excited for what tomorrow will bring.




Morning Affirmations

Here are some affirmations that revolve around happiness, gratitude, and counting your blessings. Try to pick one or a few to recite out loud to yourself when you wake up, during stretching/yoga, while eating breakfast, and during your drive to work. Make a habit of reciting these positive affirmations so they can set the pace for the rest of your day.

  • I am thankful for another day

  • I am happy about who I am and how far I've come

  • I am blessed with the basic necessities to live

  • I have everything I need to create happiness within

  • I am blessed with the love of people who choose to be with me

  • Happiness is a choice and I base my happiness on the blessings I have been given instead of what I am lacking

  • I am grateful for another chance to live my life

  • I am happy about the opportunities I have been given in life

  • I will not let discontentment be the root of envy towards others



Nighttime Affirmations

These nighttime affirmations can help while you unwind during bath time, drinking tea, stretching, meditation, and before going to bed.

  • I invite gratitude into my heart

  • I possess the strength to let go of today’s stress

  • I am grateful for being able to have a comfortable place to sleep

  • I am grateful to have a home to come back to every night

  • I am letting go of fear and worry

  • I have the power to melt away my tension and relax my muscles

  • The day is now in the past and I will let it be

  • I have everything I need, everything else is a bonus

  • Tomorrow is another chance to be a better person

  • Tomorrow is a new day full of opportunities and chances

  • My heart is grateful




Success Affirmations

Here are some affirmations that revolve around success, finances, and counting your blessings. Try to pick one, a few, or all to recite out loud to yourself when you wake up, while eating breakfast, while taking a break from your computer, and during your drive to work. Make a habit of reciting these positive affirmations so they can set the pace for your work day.

  • I am blessed beyond measures

  • I am grateful for all that I have and will accomplish

  • I am prepared to take advantage of the great opportunities presented to me

  • I will never give up on my goals and dreams

  • I am dependable and resourceful

  • I am worthy of financial security

  • I am a positive person who attracts positive situations for success

  • I choose prosperity over failure

  • I am prepared to work even harder to be successful

  • I am letting go of all worry surrounding my finances

  • I am grateful for the finances that I have in my life right now

  • I am rich with health, love, joy, and happiness

  • I am capable of creating my life in the way I envision it

  • Today will be another successful day




I hope you can continue your path of happiness through positive affirmations. 

Goodbye, Explorers!


Dedicated to @juleslastforever, an immense supporter, fan, and friend of Pear Life!


Pear Life Content:

-Read my post, Finding Joy In Simplicity, a day in the simple life. Taking a break from the mundane to enjoy simplicity at its best (ASMR).

-Read my post, How To Practice Self-Care, discover the importance of taking care of yourself from the inside out.

-Feeling stagnant and want to refresh your lifestyle? Read the post, 10 Ways To Renew Your Life For The New Year, for some fresh new ideas!



Click here for a FREE Pear Life printable template to organize your day and manage your priorities.


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