Releasing Negative Energies

An interview with Dr. Michael Chan-Frazier


Hello, Explorers!

During this season in our lives, more so than others before, We have truly begun to understand the importance of leading a life full of intention, being present while in the moment, living in a state of minimalism, and practicing daily self-care. Take a look at our energy clearing session led by Dr. Michael Chan-Frazier, and learn more about letting go of negative energies that do not support you.


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There are so many moments in our lives when we are plagued with constant stress, anxiety, sadness, and depression. It seems as if several moments like these come up during our week. Things can get so bad that you break down and cry to allow a sense of relief from your tears, which in fact can be therapeutic. However, once we evaluate our thoughts, what steps should we take to nourish our mental, physical, and spiritual selves? Most importantly, can we give ourselves the permission we need to acknowledge our emotions?

How can we live our lives, while digging deeper into nourishing our mind, body, and spirit?

If you are feeling overwhelmed, I recommend watching our Guided Relaxation Sessions to reduce your anxiety and stress.


Recognition & Evaluation

The first step in initializing self-care is to recognize and evaluate your feelings and emotions. Figure out the origin of your anger, frustration, and sadness. Discover the reason why you have been feeling impatient the whole day. Take some time to thoroughly think about the reason why you are feeling or acting a certain way. To learn more, read my post, How To Practice Self-Care, an insight and reflection on how to begin your self-care path.


SOULva Bar Energy Clearing

A unique and innovative experience where a certified specialist supports and guides you through a 45-minute energy clearing session outside in a private, sacred space.

SOULva Bar is a five-step process:

  1. Orientation - Orientating and educating you about your energy bodies.

  2. Introduction - A guided introduction to set your intention and what you want from the session.

  3. Guidance - You will be taken through sacred methodology with your SOULva specialist.

  4. Observation - SOULva specialist will share what they have observed in your session.

  5. Inner Reflections - Inner reflections and insights that have the opportunity to change your life.

The tools used in an energy clearing are usually sage sticks or smudge sticks. For our energy clearing session with Dr. Michael Chan-Frazier a SOULva stick & Durga stick were used.

Durga stick: helps increase your true vibration, breaks up the energy and allows the negative energies to safely flow once again.

SOULva stick: a special, propietary blend of organically-grown and hand-picked herbs, bundled in sacred prayer. It is used to move the stress and emotional fog out of your space.


Watch our energy clearing session & interview with Dr. Michael Chan-Frazier!


The Vanda House

The Vanda House is a place that symbolizes healing & light. It is a beautiful lighthouse of consciousness balancing spirituality and science to support you lining up to serve your highest good.

Vanda House is supported by C.A.R.E. certified specialists and provides holistic methodologies that are brought in through treatment and service form to support your inner well-being of balance, love, and peace.

Tools for your Soul, bodiworQ, SOULva Bar energy clearings, beauty rooms, plus a unique V-pod guided meditation program, worqshops, classes and Chakra balancing. Each service is designed, created, and founded by the principles and laws of the universe. Click here to learn more about what services the Vanda House provides.

Our experience at the Vanda House was all-encompassing. Not only did we enjoy a fantastic lunch, but we were welcomed warmly by the staff, had time to relax and unwind before starting our session. Take a look!

Long-term self-care

Practicing self-care, as my husband and I have discovered, has become essential to our lives. We both experience high levels of stress and anxiety that are extremely different from one another. We handle every situation with contrasting emotions, and process information in divergent ways. Something we work hard on is to be aware of how each other is feeling. If one of us is particularly sad or anxious, the other will try their best to be the one to do the cheering up. Constant encouragement to take care of ourselves and each other is so much appreciated during stressful times. With self-care, we can give the attention we so deserve. Once our body, mind, and spirit are nourished; we can be better partners, friends, family members, co-workers, and human beings to others.

Goodbye, Explorers!


Pear Life Content:

-Read my post, How to Be Happier, Increasing your happiness through gratitude. Learn how to use affirmations to set a positive mindset and learn how to start a gratitude journal today!

-Find out, The Secret of Happiness, a collaboration post with

-Read, How To Practice Self-care, to learn more about beginning your journey.

-For self-care, Eco-friendly products and more click on, The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide, for more inspiration.

-Read, My New Year's Resolutions, if you are looking for some inspiration for this upcoming year.


-Follow @drmichaelchanfrazier to see his amazing content, photographs, and self-care advice!

-Follow @thevandahouse for more amazing content to rejuvenate your soul.

-Click here to enter the Vanda House website!

-Click here for a FREE Pear Life printable template to organize your day and manage your priorities.


Guided Relaxation Sessions - Renewal


10 Ways To Renew Your Life For The New Year