The Secret to Happiness

Learning the Secrets to a Life Full of Happiness


 A collaboration post by

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Hello, Explorers!

As the autumn foliage glow from their bountiful reds, harvest yellows, and rusted oranges, the crisp air continues to sober every breath, and the smell of freshness with its embracing bluster, pumpkin spice, and cinnamon and turmeric for good measure, my wife continues to remind me that this is one of the most beautiful of seasons, but is also a very challenging season in the year. But as we transition into the holiday season, one lifestyle that I have been obsessed with trying to learn more about in the last several months, that is the lifestyle that will ultimately define my year, is discovering the Danish secrets to happiness, which can be defined by the word, “Hygge.”

A few weeks ago, California (North and South) was ravaged by wildfires, consumed by smoke, and many were left without homes or places to go. Our local utility company decided that cutting the power to hundreds of thousands of people was the best course of action, in order to prevent further wildfires from starting. In effect, many, like my family, were left without electricity for several days. Of course, we were the lucky ones.

On this particular Sunday, we were doing our weekly no tech(nology) day with the added challenge of going Pre-Edison. While we had previous plans to host both friends and family, my wife and I pride ourselves of staying with our plans as best we can. So, for this particular windy, smoky, dimly lit afternoon, we pursued the lifestyle and got a little more “Hyggeligt.”


“Hygge” pronounced hooga and “hyggeligt” pronounced hooga-lee can simply be defined as homely or cozy. The lifestyle comes from the happiest place on Earth – Denmark, so who better to learn about happiness than the people who live the happiest. The concept is quite simple and really simply described given the context that the Danish withstand many dark, cold, dreary, and otherwise very lonely winters. Due to the harsh weather conditions, the Danish opt to seek the hyggeligt (hoogly) lifestyle, one filled with lots of candles, lots of cozy sweaters, good people, and did I mention cake?!

As an autumnal reference, the top 10 methods for finding the happiest of lifestyles, or at least one complete of The Hygge Manifesto – check the list below:


  1. Atmosphere – Candles, candles, candles

  2. Presence – No tech

  3. Pleasure – Cake, chocolate, cookies

  4. Equality – “We” over “me”

  5. Gratitude – Giving thanks and showing gratefulness

  6. Harmony – Perfect balance and sans ego

  7. Comfort – Warm sweaters and heavy blankets

  8. Truce – Easy conversations

  9. Togetherness – Building relationships

  10. Shelter – Tribe life complete with peace and serenity

Hygge is about being in the present and using your five senses – touching, smelling, tasting, hearing, and seeing to experience every one of life’s great moments. Hygge is also completely about finding harmony with where you are even in the most ordinary of moments.

On that past Sunday, while the wildfires and winds raged on, we sat on our cozy benches with dimly lit ambiance, enjoying the company and laughter of each other, and indulging in all of the homemade foods – prepared in affection and happiness.

Here are some of our favorite books to help spark your continuous journey towards Happiness!

Secrets to Happiness:


The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living by Meik Wiking

The art of doing nothing, being cozy, and full of tips for self-care.

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Hector Garcia

The art of being part of a community, eating healthily, and living to 100 years.


The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Mari Kondo

Learn how to live a more joyful life by putting your hands on everything you own, and asking yourself, "does this spark Joy?"


The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World by Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Abrams.

Great friends, who also happen to be the great spiritual leaders of our time, explore the subject of Joy.


We hope you discover the simple joys of living a life filled with togetherness, harmony, coziness, and being present. 

Goodbye, Explorers!



Pear Life Content:

-Read my post, How to Be Happier, Increasing your happiness through gratitude. Learn how to use affirmations to set a positive mindset and learn how to start a gratitude journal today!



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