Travel Safety Tips

Our top tips while traveling... Just remember, safety and health always come first!


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Hello Explorers!

Through all our travels in various islands, cities, countries, and continents; we are able to provide you with a list of our top safety travel tips when traveling abroad.



It is important to keep in mind your destination. The weather, culture, government, people, and geography are the biggest factors to take into consideration. Keep in mind the type of ecosystem that you will be staying in. Some questions you should ask yourself are:


  • What is the weather?

  • What language is spoken?

  • What is their currency?

  • What is the exchange rate?

  • What season will it be during my stay?

  • Is the attire casual and relaxed, or conservative and modest?

  • What is the religion practiced?

  • What type of government is active?

  • Are there any holidays or festivals during my stay?

Once you have the answer to these questions, your travel plans become clearer, concrete, and complete.

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Research & Information

Research prior to the trip is extremely important, especially if you have never been there before. if you are new to traveling, the best way you can look up information is by continent. Research the country, and lastly, search for the cities that you will be traveling to. My go-to way to do research on a place that I have never been to before is to go on Pinterest. As a search engine, Pinterest visually presents to you the answers you are looking for. it is very easy to search up the type of weather a place will have, the attire that is considered appropriate for the season, the local food, and basic phrases that you can use from day-to-day. I have found through experience that in most cases you are likely to be well received if you are able to speak common, basic phrases.


The more you know about your location, the more prepared you will be. Another type of research that most people don't usually think about is scams. There are so many well-known scams that people fall into while in a foreign place. Strangers offering to be your tour guide, giving you false directions, selling services, or pretending they need your help. It is important that you stay alert and aware of any situations that may arise.


Physical Safety & Health Safety

If you will be going to a country that has poor health conditions and illnesses, it is important to visit a health clinic in your area. At the health clinic, you will have a full briefing consultation on where you are going and what type of conditions you will encounter. Prescription medicine will be recommended and prescribed. Vaccinations may be required, in which case, ask for proof of the immunizations in case you are required to show it when entering the country. 

Basic medications or supplements to bring with you while traveling internationally are:

In a small first-aid kit it should contain:

Proper Precautions

Some precautions that we take while traveling are: 

  • Don't stay up too late until all hours of the night. 

  • Try to be in the safest of places.

  • Distribute your money and credit cards into different bags, toiletry cases, and pockets. Make sure to keep track of them.

  • Be extremely respectful of the cultural morals and values of that place. 

  • Drink bottled water. Unless you are in Switzerland, drink out of the public water fountains because that is the best water in the world!!!

  • Share your travel itineraries with family, friends, or significant others. Make somebody your emergency contact just in case.



Staying ahead of the game!

  • Make copies of your passport digitally (take pictures), and physically (print it out) in case of loss.

  • Understand the transportation system so you have multiple ways to commute.

  • Buy travel insurance for expensive, riskier, or complex travels.

  • Never leave anything of value out in the open where it is easily accessible to others.

  • Limit your alcohol consumption.

  • Do not take drinks from strangers.

  • Download maps ahead of time that can be used without data.

  • Keep smaller bills accessible so you don’t flash your entire wallet every time you need to pay for small items.


We hope our advice can help you with your upcoming travels. A printable checklist and downloadable PDF will be made available soon for ease of use. Meanwhile, stay safe, and have fun. As long as you have your passport/ID, and credit cards/money you are able to get around where you need to go and buy what you need. Remember, people have been where you are.


Goodbye Explorers!



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