Lesson #4: Body (Day 9)

Follow along with Day 9 in your workbook. 

Hello, Explorer!

Self-Care for Nurturing Your Body

Imagine you were given the choice to own and drive the car of your dreams. The car could be any model or make – Porsche or Ferrari, a Mercedes, or a Tesla. The car could be new or vintage, red, black, or white, and with any feature that you desired. The catch here is that this car will be the only car you will ever get to drive for the rest of your life. Still sounds great, right? The easy question here is “Where do I sign up?” because having a dream car would definitely be the opportunity of a lifetime. But, as we strive to improve our self-care for our body, the more challenging and lasting question becomes, “How do I maintain my dream car to make it last for the rest of my life?”

Our body is similar to this dream car. We will opt to keep the outside polished, without a scratch, and always looking perfect. On the inside, we will always buy the premium motor oil, best fuel or diesel, and radiator fluid. Similarly, with our bodies, we should opt to maintain the exterior with regular exercise and keep our motors fresh and clean with a healthy and well-balanced diet.

As with your dream car and your body, of which no one can ever deny, nourishing your physical aspects becomes one of the most critical aspects of self-care. Physiological well-being is important because it carries you throughout the day, giving you energy to be productive, providing all necessary motor functions, and, ultimately, impacts your day to day life to stay motivated. 

Now, let’s get to creating a Physical Self-Care Plan. When you feel like you need an outlet or when you feel like your body is not where you would like it to be, possessing a few tools in your repertoire that you can choose from can be very handy in your time of need. Below are several activities that can help you stay fit and healthy. With enough energy to get through your work and personal commitments, you will become revitalized and renewed. Out of all these ideas, which ones can you see yourself adding to your self-care plan? Make sure to write them down into your PDF workbook, journal, or planner. 

– Develop a regular sleep routine.

– Aim for a healthy diet.

– Try a new and exciting recipe.

– Indulge in your favorite treat.

– Start a meal plan.

– Go to a salon.

– Take lunch breaks.

– Go for a walk.

– Play a team sport.

– Take your dog for a walk after work.

– Hydrate with fruit-infused water.

– Use your sick leave.

– Start a habit tracker to log your progress.

– Get some exercise before/after work at least twice a week.

 Assess how your body is feeling every day. Once you start listening to what it is telling you physically, you will be able to cater to the needs of your body.

Does your body feel tired? Start implementing short daily naps (recommended: 7 minute power naps). No matter how busy you are, you can take the time to do so. You have always been able to – you just need to prioritize yourself starting today. 

Are you feeling thirsty, but do not like the taste of water? Perhaps, you can add citrus, like lemons or oranges to your water, and make the goal of consuming healthier and replenishing water every day.

Do you feel like you could lose some weight but can not bring yourself to go to the gym? Well, lucky for you, diet is a 90% factor that plays into how your body looks and feels. Start with learning a handful of healthy and easy recipes that you can rotate around your meal plan.

There are so many opportunities that you are able to choose. Treat your body to what it needs. You have the power to take control of your life and how you want to live. I hope this provides some inspiration for your physical self-care journey and always remember to take care of your dream car.


Goodbye, Explorer!

See you tomorrow!

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