How To Connect With Others

Going back to the roots of building connections with ourselves and those around us



Hello, Explorers!

During this chaotic season in our lives of practicing self-quarantine, incubation, and social distancing; it can feel like life is incredibly stressful and lonely. Fear and anxiety can be very overwhelming and cause strong emotions in people and ourselves. Isolation and loneliness are health problems too. To compensate for the reduction of in-person social interaction, we must ramp up our virtual and written communication to ensure that we do not lose touch with friends and family. At the same time, we must practice self-care to be mentally and emotionally strong for ourselves and others. If you or someone you know feels claustrophobic, stressed, anxious, lonely, and disconnected then this post is meant for you. 



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Here are a few ways to connect with friends, family, and yourself during this time:

  1. Reassurance - Reassure people that they are safe, and they have the power to exercise a sense of calm while keeping updated and informed about the world.

  2. Communication - Keep in touch with loved ones via social media, texts, and phone calls. Reach out to those who might struggle with asking for help. You'll never know how a simple phone call to check-in can make someone feel like part of your community.

  3. Togetherness - Nurture your relationships by scheduling video-chatting sessions.

  4. Exercise - Do some Yoga or indoor workouts. Invite your friends or family members to participate in a weekly video-chat workout session with you!

  5. Read - Choose a new book to immerse yourself in. Form a book club and chat to discuss it afterwards! Here are some of our favorite books to provide inspiration & motivation. 

  6. Declutter - While staying indoors, right now is the perfect time to declutter your home of unwanted items that do not spark joy. Minimize your belongings, and keep your space tidy with a clear vision of what you want your home to look like. For more inspiration I recommend reading, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo, it has changed our lives.

  7. Presence - Be present during conversations when someone is expressing concern. Now is the perfect time to practice being a good listener even if you can't be face-to-face.

  8. Meditation - Focus on relaxation techniques to become in tune with your senses. Make time in your day to put this into practice and you will begin to see the difference it makes. I recommend starting 5 minutes of daily meditation.

  9. Self-Care - Create a daily self-care routine. With most of us staying indoors until further notice, we can set a few minutes a day to practice caring for our mind, body, and spirit. For more tips on how to practice self-care, read the post, How to Practice Self-Care, full of tips and advice to get you started!

  10. Creativity - Take up a new hobby. Painting, playing an instrument, knitting, gardening, drawing, journaling, etc... the list goes on! For more creative ideas read the post, 10 Ways to Renew Your Life for the New Year.

  11. Snail Mail - Handwritten letters are rewarding to send and receive, indulge in old-fashioned communication styles while providing someone the joy of receiving something handmade. Enjoy sending a letter to your Pen Pal as I did in this video, Snail Mail in a Digital World.

  12. Reflection - Journaling or prayer can provide self-assurance and daily peace. Start a gratitude journal where you write down one thing you are grateful for every single day.

  13. Hygge - Create a space that makes you feel comfortable, cozy, and filled with Zen. Learn more about our favorite Swedish way-of-living, Hygge.


We hope you discover the simple joys of living a life filled with connection, togetherness, harmony, coziness and being present. 

Goodbye, Explorers!



Pear Life Content:

-Read my post, How to Be Happier, Increasing your happiness through gratitude. Learn how to use affirmations to set a positive mindset and learn how to start a gratitude journal today!

-Here are some of our favorite books to provide inspiration & motivation.

-For more tips on how to practice self-care, read the post, How to Practice Self-Care, full of tips and advice to get you started!

-For more creative ideas read the post, 10 Ways to Renew Your Life for the New Year.

-Enjoy sending a letter to your Pen Pal as I did in this video, Snail Mail in a Digital World.




-Click here for a FREE Pear Life printable template to organize your day and manage your priorities.




Guided Relaxation Sessions - Connection


Pen Pal With Me