My Secret to Feeling Motivated

Finding one simple goal

Hello Explorers!


Feeling motivated is something that I, as well as others, have struggled with from time to time. Let me tell you about the secret I found to feeling motivated.

During my time when I was recovering from my wisdom teeth surgery, I had an epiphany. I was looking out the window feeling relaxed, and happy knowing that I was just at home by a window enjoying the act of relaxing, and watching people pass by while walking their dogs. I thought to myself, “why can’t every day feel like this?”. More questions about my life came to mind… “Can I do something that I love, brings me joy, and generates an income that is able to give me the simple life that I so desire?” At that moment I started feeling a little bit down about myself. I felt disappointed and unfulfilled with the current job that I had, where I was faced with scrutiny, criticism, and constant harassment. So, in order to deviate from my sadness, I did what I usually do when I need a pick-me-up. I went on Pinterest, dove into blogs, and read other people’s fascinating content. Reading content, especially with positive and empowering messages, can turn around your entire day.  Suddenly, I thought to myself “why can’t I create this content? Can I be somebody that can bring the same happiness and joy to someone else’s day?” This is when it all began.


The beginning


There are dreamers, and there are doers. In order to be successful at what I wanted to do, I had to be both. I always thought that the people that had websites, or blogging pages must’ve gotten lucky, and got discovered. But, they put in hard work, they went out there and made their success happen for them. I can dream all I want, but if there is no action behind those dreams, they become beautiful, wasted thoughts instead.


I started to browse on Pinterest about ways to generate income with a blog or website. Then I stumbled upon a blogger called Taylor Stanford. Through her blog course, I was able to start a new website within a week! Once I followed all the steps, I was able to finesse and complete that website within the month. The hardest part was learning all the technical and logistical aspects to actually creating my own website. The part that took the longest amount of time was coming up with the content and schedule to post once or twice a week. I knew it would be difficult to maintain this schedule while currently working on my day job. However, I was determined to make it happen because I had passion, drive, and I made a commitment to myself. Although I had never felt more passionate about a new venture, I found it important to come up with something that can keep me motivated when doubt tries to creep into my mind.


Motivational Exercises


The most important preparation needed was going to be mental readiness. This can always be said about most things. Through many questions I needed to know the answers to, one of the questions I had to know was a short-term goal, and a long-term goal. I will stop here for a moment and say that we all daydream about having money aplenty to buy fun material things that we have always wanted. For me, owning a Kate Spade purse is something I have always dreamt of purchasing. Along with a Kate Spade would be a new car, a home, getting guacamole in my burrito every time, paying for the extra collagen and nutrition boosts in my smoothies, etc… My goal was to generate enough income to provide a comfortable life so that I could start each morning by brewing my tea, making my breakfast, and sitting by the window watching the morning happen. I knew that in order for my motivation to remain sustained as a clear vision of what I wanted in life, I had to choose a goal that was solid. That’s when I came up with the concept of a simple idea. It had to be a goal that was simple, achievable and tangible.


These are some questions you can ask yourself to help you come up with your own Simple Idea:

  • What is something that sparks joy in your life?

  • Is there anything you want to save up for?

  • Is there an attribute or emotion that you want to achieve?

  • Can you step out of your comfort zone, and do something that surprises you?

  • What is a new skill that you want to learn or refine?

  • Would you like to have more time to spend with yourself or others?



Choose A Simple Idea


My simple idea is to watch the morning happen.

Have you ever thought of how beautiful it is to witness the grandeur of a beautiful day? Most people in the SF Bay Area leave early before the sun rises, due to the insane traffic jams. They slave away at a desk all day and come home in the evening. They skip through an entire day, every day. Watching the splendor of morning happening is an importance that is of the utmost priority to me. This recently became a realization when I decided that it sparked joy in my life. Not only does it provide me with a sense of calm, peace, and serenity; but it also gives me time to collect my thoughts, and reflect on my gratitude for this life that I am living. It is important to have something that you are able to manifest. The reason why choosing a simple idea is the best goal that somebody could have is because it is obtainable. My hope is for everyone, (especially you as a reader), to have many goals throughout their lives, but amongst those, a simple idea that they can use to remind themselves of why they are doing this, and what the reward is in the end. Enjoy the process of choosing your intent, and may it remind you of what lies ahead.


Goodbye Explorers!


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