Olly Gummy - Review

Gummy Vitamins that are Beneficial to Your Well-Being, and Taste Great!

This blog post contains affiliate links from Amazon. I may be rewarded with credit or a commission to fund my love for movies & popcorn, which keeps me happy and able to post quality content. Please note that I only recommend products or services that I absolutely love!


Hello, Explorers!

Trying my best to live a healthier life has its challenges and difficulties. Eating the entire suggested daily dose of fruits and vegetables can be overwhelming, at times it feels nearly impossible. Thankfully, to supplement the rest of the vitamins and nutrients that are needed in our bodies, we can consume vitamins. However, the vitamin choices out there are limited when in search of something easy to take, beneficial, and tasty; that is...until now.


Old-school vitamins

We have all been subjected at least once in our lives to take Flinstone vitamins, fish oil, and Pedialyte as kids. This is not a memory that is stuck in my brain for a good reason. Although I knew deep in my heart that it was for the good of my health, I never looked forward to it, nor did I want to make vitamin consumption part of my daily routine for good reason. “Old-school” vitamins are chalky, bitter, and bland (although they claim to have fruity flavors). I can still remember the taste of grinding the chalky vitamin with my molars, I can picture what eating drywall or cement must taste like. Nevertheless, I kept searching for something better. I enjoy the compatibility and ease of taking your daily nutrients in two small vitamins, but the texture and taste needed to evolve into something that I would enjoy taking. That is when I found Olly Gummy Vitamins.


Great packaging = Curiosity

Strolling the aisles of my local pharmacy, I finally stopped at the vitamin section. Many vitamins are in the form of pills, (As a side note: taking pills for me is such a daunting task. I have trouble swallowing big pills, and I always seem to choke on them). So I looked away from those choking hazards and moved onto the gummy forms. The packaging all seem to be directed at children with their animated logos and colorful fonts in bubble letters.

Vitamins are vitamins, I thought to myself. Before settling for one of those, I glanced over once more, that is when the beautiful packaging of Olly caught my eye. Curiosity was definitely peaked! The packaging is a circular square container with themed colors and shapes appropriate for the specific need of the labeled vitamins. On the side panels, nutritional information is listed along with what ingredients are included, and what their benefits are. Easy to read and remember.


Choosing an Olly that’s right for you!

The first Olly vitamin that I purchased was the Undeniable Beauty, complete with a blend of Biotin, Vitamin C & E, and Keratin. These beauties are specially formulated for your hair, skin, and nails. The featured flavor is Grapefruit Glam, and it is simply delicious. Never had I tasted a vitamin that I actually looked forward to taking every day, (sometimes twice a day, ahem).

What I didn’t realize is that there is a whole line of Olly products. Although their main draw for me is their tasty vitamins, they also sell protein powders and protein bars that I would like to eventually try. There is a vast variety of gummy products for all your general or specific needs. Try one, or a couple that works for you, your needs, and your lifestyle! Here is a list of a few of those:




Wellness Boosts


Making Olly part of your daily routine

Personally, I have tried three of the many products on my list yet to try. I take Olly Women’s Multi, and Undeniable Beauty in the morning, and I take Restful Sleep occasionally on nights that are difficult for me to fall asleep. The Blackberry Zen flavor for Restful Sleep is perfectly soothing, with a hint of mint. I usually take it 30 minutes before winding down to go to sleep.

I take my Olly's on trips with me just like I would with regular vitamins and/or medicines. When traveling abroad, they are especially helpful when certain remote areas don’t have the nutrients needed in their foods. Taking vitamins doesn’t need to feel like a chore. You can make it a part of your everyday life. Just like packing your lunch, going to work, exercising, and preparing meals; you can integrate vitamin consumption in your daily routine. It goes beyond taking vitamins, it is taking charge of your health in a way that is fun, easy, and actually enjoyable. With so many flavors and wellness boosts to choose from, it is a joy to try them all! I have gifted and recommended Olly Gummies to friends and family members. Unprompted, they had amazing things to say about these vitamins; i.e. improvement of skin, hair, nails, energy, sleep, and overall health. I have to agree with all of them as well. I can happily say that vitamins have finally found a way into my daily health routine!



  • Fantastic taste

  • Exotic flavors

  • Soft & chewy texture

  • Results you can actually feel

  • Wide variety of products to choose from

  • Specially formulated to fit general or specific needs

  • Visually pleasing packaging

  • Monthly subscription services available



  • Fewer gummies than other brands

  • Mid-price point

  • Having to order more because you eat them more often than you should. I am totally guilty of this!


Goodbye, Explorers!


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