It really taught me about how I could start integrating self-care into my everyday…


This program has the potential to change your life, through mindfulness exercises,
mentorship, and self-reflection. As a full-time student, part-time worker, and overall busy person, I find it hard to insert self-care into my life. It really taught me about how I could start integrating self-care everyday into my life. Spiritual awareness was brought to my attention, and I realized I did not have any spiritual self-care before. I recommend printing out the guide if you can so you can write on it instead of typing it online.

Overall, this program is great for those who feel like they need to re-prioritize some
things in their life. I’m so thankful for this program because it opened my mind to the type of
spiritual and mental growth I needed. 


Great Course!


“I am happy to say that I have found the tools I need to continue practicing self-care in my everyday life…”